@article{oai:cis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000016, author = {王, 晋民 and 粕川, 正光 and オウ, シンミン and カスカワ, マサミツ and WANG, Jinmin and KASUKAWA, Masamitsu}, journal = {千葉科学大学紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {P(論文), 近年,企業などの組織における不正行為が数多く報道され,社会的関心が高まっている.公共利益の保護と組織の危機管理の観点から,不正行為の事前抑制と事後対応が極めて重要な課題である.内部告発(whistle-blowing)が組織における不正行為を抑制する手段として考えられる.適度な内部告発を促進する要因を調べ,内部告発に関する態度や行動傾向について検討するために,2007年1月に報道された菓子メーカーF社の「消費期限切れ材料の使用」問題を用いて有職者を対象とした調査を行った.その結果,不正行為の深刻さ,不正行為の不公表,そして内部告発の必要性に対する評定や自らの通報行動傾向は回答者の契約形態,年齢,性別,想定した立場などに影響され,また組織コミットメントや集団主義傾向にも関係していることが示された., Many organizational wrongdoing cases were disclosed on the media, and how to prevent organizational wrongdoings becomes a significant social issue in recent years in Japan. Whistle-blowing is considered as one of effective measures for this purpose. In this study, we conducted a survey of Japanese full-time employees on an organizational wrongdoing case which occurred in a Tokyo based confectionery maker and was widely reported on nation's media before the study. 456 employees participated in the study and answered questions about the seriousness of the wrongdoing, the necessity of whistle-blowing, and their own intention to blow the whistle. The results confirmed effects of organizational commitment and collectivism on the attitudes and response tendency toward organizational wrongdoing. Effects of imaginary status in the organization, employment status, age, sex and other demographic characteristics on both evaluations of the necessity of whistle-blowing and the intention to blow the whistle were also found.}, pages = {99--106}, title = {組織不正行為に対する意識と行動傾向-有職者に対する社会調査のデータによる分析-}, volume = {1}, year = {2008} }